I was going to bring this up a while ago, but, I blew off doing it for one reason or another. However since I saw the DX Theme [link="https://www.wincustomize.com/skins.aspx?skinid=4440&libid=31"]Pod Concept[/link] by ped I've decided to ask......
Recently I took My first few baby steps into DX with a few [link="http://bk13garbageman.wincustomize.com/skins.aspx?libid=34"]widgets[/link], they don't do much, I just wanted to add a little animation to some RightClicks. I really wanted People to see how they looked, and for Me the stationary preview didn't do it. I heard Zubaz mention [link="http://www.jingproject.com/"]Jing[/link] for making video previews and I knew that was the way to go.
So, I was wondering............
Are there only video previews for Dreams because nobody thought of it until animated wallpapers were developed?
If not now, would it be possible to have video previews for other types of skins on the new site? or would it use too much space and not be worth the cost?
There are all kinds of skins that have some really cool animations, I think it would be a nice option to have, what do You think?????